General Information: Please supply information about yourself as requested. Once you click the Next-> or Skip-> button on any page, that page will be saved and you will be able to return and complete other parts of your application at a later time.

United Lutheran Seminary is in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students who seek academic and/or physical modifications or accommodation need to contact the Section 504 Coordinator (Registrar and Senior Assistant to the Dean Julie Ritter,, 717-338-3007) at least six weeks prior to the start of the semester. You may read more about Section 504 here ; and read about ULS accommodations for students with disabilities in the Student Handbook (on page 58) here

Please note, both the Doctor of Ministry and Master of Sacred Theology programs are to be taken as part-time.
 Title to your Name 

First Name

Middle Name/Initial

Last Name


Begin Study In...
 Enter the term to begin study 

Any Prior Last Name(s)

Prefered Name (NickName)

Date of Birth


Email Address

Country of citizenship

Visa status (non-US citizens)

Home Phone - Area Code
Phone (xxxxxxx)

Work/Daytime phone - Area Code
Phone (xxxxxxx)

Cell Phone - Area Code
Phone (xxxxxxx)

Current Street Address




State / Province
Postal Code
+ 4


Permanent Address if different




State / Province
Postal Code
+ 4


    required and     optional